Congratulations to all of the winners of 2006 Tupelo Press Awards and Contests!
2006 Dorset Prize
Winner: Sandra Meek for Biogeography
We congratulate Sandra Meek of Mount Berry, Georgia, who has won for Biogeography, a vivid and exciting collection that looks outward at the world in poems that are as rich in ideas as in language. Poem after poem in Biogeography teaches us something new about the architecture of human thought and desire, and the result is a transcendent experience for the reader. She will receive $10,000, plus publication and national & international distribution of her book by Consortium Book Sales & Distribution and Tupelo Press.
Sandra Meek is the author of Nomadic Foundations and Burn, most recently published by Elixir Press (January, 2005). She was awarded both the Georgia Author of the Year Award in Poetry and the Peace Corps Writers Award for Poetry in 2003, both for her collection Nomadic Foundations (Elixir, 2002). She has also published a chapbook, The Circumference of Arrival (Elixir, 2001), and her poems have appeared in Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Shenandoah, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, The Georgia Review, Colorado Review, and many others and have been featured on the websites Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, and Poetry Net’s “Poet of the Month.” A four-time nominee for the Pushcart Prize, Meek was awarded Editors’ Choice for the 2002 James Wright Award, given by Mid-American Review. (12/2003). She is an associate professor of English at Berry College, where she teaches creative writing and contemporary literature. She served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana from 1989 to 1991, and received an M.F.A. from Colorado State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Denver.
Other Finalists:
Runner up: Katherine Soniat of Blacksburg, VA for The Swing Girl
Ciaran Berry of New York, NY for The Sphere of Birds
Monica Ferrell of Brooklyn, NY f or Beasts for the Chase
Noah Eli Gordon of Denver, CO for exciting facts from the physical world!
Sandra Miller of Roanoke, VA for Chora
Mary Molinary of Memphis, TN for What it Means to Walk Upright
David Mutschlencer of Los Alamos, NM for Spirations
Brian Swann of New York, NY for The Gist
Terri Witek of DeLand, FL for The Shipwreck Dress
Annie Boutelle, Florence, MA, Not Even the Stones
Carl Casinghino, Hatfield, MA, The Heathen Cartographer
Christina Cook, Hanover, NH, Out of the Blue
Caroline Crumpacker, Rhinebck, NY, Recherche Theories
Sally Dawidoff, New, York, NY, Substitute
Michael Tod Edgerton, Providence, RI, Vitreous Hide
Sarah Estes Graham, Charlottesville, VA, Fall Gently to the River
Alex Grant, Chapel Hill, NH, Fear of Moving Water
James Harms, Morgantown, WV, Other Summers
Heather Hartley, Paris, France, Knock Knock
Michael Heffernan, Fayettevill, AK, At the Bureau of Divine Music
Diane Kirsten Martin, San Francisco, CA, Demimonde
Erika Meitner, Washington, DC, Makeshift Instructions for Vigilant Girls
Rusty Morrison, Richmond, CA, Necessary Backward Rowing
David Mutschlecner, Los Alamos, NM, Spirations
Edward Nobles, Bangor ME, Queen of Truth
Margaret Rabb, Seattle, WA, Nothing To Forgive
Helen Klein Ross, New York, NY, Because I Can Come Only This Far With You
Harriet Torr, Caithness, Scotland, The Thinking Man’s Fish
G.C. Warldrep, Gambier, OH, Archicembalo
Marlys West, Culver City, CA, In a Wax Village (a dictionary of lies)
Gail Wronsky, Topanga, CA, With Parted Eye
Martha Zweig, Hardwick, VT, Monkey Lightning
July Open Results
Winners: Angela Shaw for The Beginning of the Fields, Karen An-Hwei Lee for Ardor and Erythropoiesis, Joshua Marie Wilkinson for The Book of Whispering in the Projection Booth, and Christopher Buckley for Modern History—Prose Poems 1987-2007
Tupelo Press is delighted to announce that we have committed to five books of poetry from the many wonderful poetry collections submitted during our July open reading period. We received approximately 1,000 manuscripts, and found so many terrific ones. These sorts of decisions are so difficult. As always, we wish it were possible to take more. We are endlessly grateful to all who submitted.
We will be publishing:
Angela Shaw of Swarthmore, PA, for The Beginning of the Fields. Angela Shaw’s poetry has appeared in The Best American Poetry Anthology 1994 and 1996. She has also had poems selected for The Pushcart Prize & The Beacon Best of 2001. Her work has appeared in Poetry, Chelsea, Field, Pleiades, and elsewhere. The Beginning of the Fields is her first book.
Karen An-Hwei Lee of Santa Ana, CA, for two books: Ardor and Erythropoiesis. Heather McHugh selected Ms. Lee’s first book, In Medias Res, for the 2003 Katherine Morton Prize from Sarabande Books. In Medias Res also won the Norma Farber First Book Award from Poetry Society of America. She won a 2005 individual artist’s grant from the NEA.
Joshua Marie Wilkinson of Denver, Colorado, for The Book of Whispering in the Projection Booth. Joshua Marie Wilkinson’s first collection, Suspension of a Secret in Abandoned Rooms was published by Pinball Press in 2005, and Lug Your Careless Body Out of the Careful Dusk won the 2005 Iowa Poetry Prize and was published by U. Iowa Press in 2006. New Michigan Press published his chapbook, A Ghost as King of the Rabbits.
Christopher Buckley of Lompoc, CA, for Modern History—Prose Poems 1987-2007. Christopher Buckley has published fourteen books of poetry, most recently, Sky (The Sheep Meadow Press, 2004) and Star Apocrypha (Northwestern University Press, 2001). For his poetry he has received four Pushcart Prizes, two awards from the Poetry Society of America, a Fulbright Award in Creative Writing to the former Yugoslavia, and is the recipient of NEA grants in poetry for 2001 and 1984.
First Book Award
Winner: Kristin Bock for Cloisters
Our judge, David St. John has selected: Cloisters by Kristin Bock of Montague, MA as the winner of Tupelo Press’s 7th Annual First Book Award.
Phebus Etienne, Montclair, NJ Chainstitching
Diane Kirsten Martin, San Francisco, CA Demimonde
Susan Settlemyre Williams, Richmond, VA Ashes in Midair
Pamela Sutton, Philadelphia, PA Bone House Broken
Angela Shaw, Swarthmore, PA The Beginning of the Fields
Eleanor Stanford, Philadelphia, PA The Book of Sleep
Nicki Beer, Columbia, MO The Diminishing House
Susan Berlin, Yarmouth Port, MA The Only One of Anything
Sass Brown, Alexandria, VA USA-1000
John Casteen, Earlysville, VA Free Union
Amy Catanzano, Boulder, CO Multiversal
Hildred Crill, Stockholm, Sweden The Book of Lichens
Simon DeDeo, Chicago, IL Parallax
Megan Gannon, Prescott, AZ White Nightgown
Jason Gray, Columbus, OH Photographing Eden
Jessica Hornick, Alplaus, NY The Chosen Guide
Dale M. Kushner, Madison, WI Dark Matter
Amy Pence, Carrollton, GA Ablaze
Sarah Perrier, Cincinnati, OH Nothing Fatal
John Pursley III, Tuscaloosa, AL If You Have Ghosts
Jaime Ross, Carson, NM Postcards from Mexico
Chuck Ryback, Oneida, WI Elegy for Those in Attendance
Theresa Sotto, Santa Monica, CA punctum
Daneen Wardrop, Kalamazoo, MI The Silk Road
Honorable Mentions:
Katherine Lucas Anderson, Ithaca, NY Annunciation
Trent Busch, Lake Park, GA not one bit of this is your fault
Lynn Aarti Chandhok, Brooklyn, NY The View from Zero Bridge
Ernest Hilbert, Philadelphia, PA Cathedral Building
Christina Hutchins, Albany, CA The Stranger Dissolves
Christopher Janke, Turners Falls, MA Prayer to the Aardwolf
Jennifer Militello, Goffstown, NH History of the Always Pain
Peggy Munson, Worthington, MA Pathogenesis
Rich Murphy, Swampscott, MA The Apple in the Monkey Tree
Benjamin Paloff, Boston, MA United Kingdom
Kenton Wing Robinson, West Hartford, CT The Execution Club
Taije Silverman, Atlanta, GA Listen, No One
William Stobb, La Crosse, WI Nervous System
Benjamin Vogt, Lincoln, NE Afterimage
Snowbound Series Chapbook Award
Winner: Cecilia Woloch for her manuscript Narcissus.
The 2006 Snowbound Series Chapbook Award, selected by judge Marie Howe, has been awarded to:
Cecilia Woloch of Los Angeles, California for her manuscript Narcissus.
1. Eric Pankey, Fairfax, VA – Preliminary Notes
2. Susan Settlemyre Williams, Richmond, VA – Possession
3. Chuck Rybak, Oneida, WI – Elegy for Those in Attendance
Finalists (alphabetically)
Joseph Campana, Gambier, OH – Caravaggio’s Book of Bacchus
Jennifer Chapis, San Clemente, CA – The Beekeeper’s Departure
Hildred Crill, Stockholm, Sweden – Mast of the Ship, Beam of the Loom
John de Stefano, New York, NY – From: Critical Opalescence and the Blueness of Sky
Gary Hawkins, Norman, OK – In Flourish
Christina Hutchins, Albany, CA – The Fountains Underground
Kathleen Jesme, Inner Grove Heights, MN – My tongue, my good eye
Allison Joseph, Carbondale, IL – VOICE: Poems
Adrianne Kalfopoulou, Athens, Greece – The Street of the Aphrodite Hotel
Ruth Moon Kempher, St. Augustine, FL – Travels Without a Map
Karen Kevorkian, Charlottesville, VA – Eve’s Dream
Ann B. Knox, Hancock, MD – Eve Learns the Word Want
Stephanie Lenox, Tempe, AZ – Congress of Strange People
John Minczeski, Maplewood, MN – Magdalene on the Bus
Rusty Morrison, Richmond, CA – Landscape, not fable
Rusty Morrison, Richmond, CA – Tidy up the history for visitors
David Mutschlecner, Los Alamos, NM – Gatherings at the Cusp
Veronica Patterson, Loveland, CO –1001
Pit Menousek Pinegar, Plainville, CT – Luna
John Pursley III, Tuscaloosa, AL – A Conventional Weather
Elizabeth Rees, Paris, France – Driving Without a Map
E.D. Roberts, Thetford Center, VA- Balance
David Ruekberg, Le Roy, NY – Penumbra
Ravi Shankar, Chester, CT – Percipience: A Series of NeoPastorals
Reginald Shepherd, Pensacola, FL – ITINERARY: Poems
Young Smith, Lexington, KY – In a City You Will Never Visit
Stephanie Strickland, New York, NY- Ecstasy
Julie Marie Wade, Pittsburgh, PA – Tessellations
Gabriel Welsch, State College, PA – the telemarketer’s dream
Dara Wier, Amherst, MA – Riverine
Honorable Mentions (alphabetically):
Jillian Barnet, Philadelphia, PA – Giraffa Camelopardalis
Albert Flynn DeSilver, Woodacre, CA – Working Title
Michael Gushue, Washington, DC – Ehoiai
Athena Kildegaard, Morris, MN – Mexican Bingo
Nancy Kuhl, New Haven, CT – Suspend, A Self Portrait in 28 Days
Nancy Kuhl –The Affair of the Fire Eaters
Claire Millikin, Owl’s Head, Maine – Translator
Shirley Stephenson, Chicago, IL – Wade
Lynn Veach Sadler, Sanford, NC – Who’s Your Daddy?
Susan Terris, San Francisco, CA – Marriage License
Stacey Waite, Pittsburgh, PA – when some asks if you believe what you just said
Theodore Worozbyt, Tuscaloosa, AL – Tell the Time