The results of the 2017 July Open Reading Period

Tupelo Press and the selection panel are delighted to announce our decisions for the 2017 July Open Submission Period.

We congratulate the following poets, whose books will be published and distributed by Tupelo Press:

Amy Beeder of Albuquerque, New Mexico, And So Wax Was Made & Also Honey


Noah Falck of Buffalo, New York, Exclusions



Amy Beeder is the author of Burn the Field and Now Make An Altar (Carnegie Mellon University Press). A recipient of an NEA Fellowship, a “Discovery”/The Nation Award and a James Merrill Fellowship, she has worked as a creative writing instructor, freelance writer, reporter, political asylum specialist, sous-chef, high-school teacher in West Africa, and an election and human rights observer in Haiti and Suriname. Her work has appeared in Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Ploughshares, AGNI, The Southern Review, and many other journals. She lives in Albuquerque.




Noah Falck is the author of Snowmen Losing Weight (BatCat Press, 2012) and several chapbooks including Celebrity Dream Poems (Poor Claudia, 2013) and Measuring Tape for the Midwest (Pavement Saw, 2008). His poems have appeared in Boston Review, Conduit, Denver Quarterly, Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, and He works as Education Director at Just Buffalo Literary Center and curates the Silo City Reading Series, a multimedia poetry series inside a 130-foot abandoned grain elevator.





We also wish to grant an Honorable Mention to:

T. Zachary Cotler of Healdsburg, California, Externalities

In addition, we feel that it’s important to single out and honor the following manuscripts. The July Open Reading Period is not a contest, but if it were, these books would register as “finalists”:

J.L. Conrad of Madison, Wisconsin — Miracle Town

John de Stefano of New York, New York — The Visible Remains

Samantha Deal of Kalamazoo, Michigan — Taxonomies / Something Opened

Jessica Garratt of Riverdale Park, Maryland — Near Stranger

Lisa Hiton of Deerfield, Illinois — Afterfeast

James McCorkle of Geneva, New York — The Visible World

Tyler Mills of Santa Fe, New Mexico — Hawk Parable

Andrea Read of Somerville, Massachusetts — The Family Business

Amelia Roselli, tr. Deborah Woodward of Seattle, Washington — Obtuse Diary

Julia Story of Somerville, Massachusetts — Spinster for Hire

We’d like to recognize and thank so very appreciatively our extraordinary panel of preliminary readers: Angela Narciso Torres, Jeffrey Pethybridge, and Andrea Witzke Slot, and I personally wish to single out and thank Kristina Marie Darling, Associate Editor-in-Chief of Tupelo Press, and Cassandra Cleghorn, Poetry Editor, for their extraordinary and discerning work on the judges’ panel.

Finally, and no less important, we offer our deep gratitude to all who submitted manuscripts to the Tupelo Press July Open, and who, by your writing, join in the tireless, solitary, and so-important work of making poetry.

Please bear in mind that the Tupelo Press Dorset Prize is accepting manuscripts for both full- and chapbook-length books of poetry, now through December 31st.