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Help poetry bridge our differences, give a student access!

Our teen’s words make a difference, now more than ever. Creative writing expands and strengthens their world, and ours.
For more than two decades, Tupelo Press has proved a profound commitment to writing and writers, shedding light upon an ever-growing list of astonishing talent, all the while cultivating and developing aspiring writers through master classes, seminars, and the development of a Creative Writing Program available for institutions and nationally scalable.
As excellent writing is fundamental to every single challenge that today’s teens will face in college and their lives beyond, now Tupelo Press extends an equally profound commitment to nurturing teen writing with our signature online Teen Writing Program.
In workshops students will explore and develop their writing potential with expert personal attention from a faculty consisting of extraordinary published authors and teachers, all hand-picked by the senior editorial staff of Tupelo Press.
A gift of $129 will reserve a seat at the writing table for a deserving teen.
We believe poetry offers key opportunities for developing skills used in every genre of writing. Our early offerings are introductory and designed to give students confidence in their written expressions
A sample of our growing online course offerings:
Creative Writing 101 For Teens – two workshops introducing poetry.
Coming soon:
Genre Specific Workshop series – How to Make: Poetry/Prose/Scifi/Fantasy/Short story/Novel/Graphic Novel/AfroFuturism/Latinex and more
Chapbooks and short-volume publications and their unique artistic potential!