David Hernandez

david hernandezDavid Hernandez was born in Burbank, CA in 1971. His first passion was drawing. On the unpainted walls of the playroom, he expressed himself with a box of crayons. His love of art continued on through college at California State University, Long Beach, and it was here that his infatuation with poetry began, earning a BA in Creative Writing. He works full-time as a web designer, but still carves out time to write. His poems have appeared in The Southern ReviewPrairie SchoonerCream City ReviewQuarterly WestAlaska Quarterly Review and Mississippi Review. His drawings have also appeared in literary magazines, including Other VoicesGargoyle and a feature in Indiana Review. A recipient of a grant from the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation, his previous chapbook collections include Man Climbs Out of Manhole (Pearl Editions) and Donating the Heart (Pudding House Publications), winner of the National Looking Glass Chapbook Competition. David is married to writer Lisa Glatt. Their collection of collaborative poems, A Merciful Bed, was published by Pearl Editions.



Reviews of David Hernandez’s A House Waiting for Music

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