Hermine Meinhard

hermine meinhardHermine Meinhard’s poems have appeared in Barrow StreetLunaHow2La Petite ZineKalliopeThe Prose Poem and other publications. The winner of the Sue Saniel Elkind Poetry Award, she teaches at New York University and the New York Writers Workshop at the Jewish Community Center Manhattan. She is poetry editor of the literary journal 3rd bed.


Finalist, Poetry Society of America, 2005 Norma Farber First Book Award
Finalist, Poetry Society of America, 2004 Robert H. Winner Memorial Award
Grand Prize Winner, 1993 Sue Saniel Elkind Poetry Award
Nominee, Pushcart Prize
Fellowships at Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Ragdale Foundation, and the Blue Mountain Center.


The the online magical realist journal Margin features an article and interview with Hermine.


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