When the Eye Forms

by Dwaine Rieves


“‘I would rather be a doctor,’ Marina Tsvetaeva once wrote regarding the poet’s vocation. Such was her urge to ease the pain of others. For who is more qualified than a poet-physician to tell us, following Ovid’s words, of how bodies change into different bodies? Dwaine Rieves’ When the Eye Forms offers us that rarity, a poet-doctor’s book of days. ” –—Carolyn Forché, judge, Tupelo Press Award

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ISBN: 978-1-932195-34-7 Categories: ,

“‘I would rather be a doctor,’ Marina Tsvetaeva once wrote regarding the poet’s vocation. Such was her urge to ease the pain of others. For who is more qualified than a poet-physician to tell us, following Ovid’s words, of how bodies change into different bodies? Dwaine Rieves’ When the Eye Forms offers us that rarity, a poet-doctor’s book of days.

This is first and foremost a book of people: we find here Miss Welty and Mr. Phelps, Aunt Jemima, Jennifer, Edna, Sylvia and so many others with stories are not unlike our own, but are here illuminated by Rieves’ loving attention to the details of the world, remarkably various, as this is a poet who is able to work on multiple levels of perception… Rieves writes equally well of the public realm and, as in the brilliant poem “Leaving,” of deeply private heartbreak.

Whether the readers of these poems find themselves on inner-city streets or in the Gay Men’s VD Clinic or on a front yard stump, the everyday here becomes magical—not because the poet is engaged in false pyrotechnics or inventions, but because he knows with an earned heart-knowledge that each human face can provide a map—leading us into the miracle of creation itself.”

—Carolyn Forché, Judge, Tupelo Press Award

rieves225Dwaine Rieves practices public health medicine in Washington, DC. A Mississippi native, he graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine in 1979 and completed his training in Internal Medicine at Vanderbilt University. In 1985, Rieves began working part-time in the Gay Men’s VD Clinic of Whitman Walker Clinic in Washington, DC while also pursuing fellowship training in Critical Care Medicine at the National Institutes of Health and fellowship training in pulmonary medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dwaine Rieves’ poems have appeared in numerous journals, including: The Georgia Review, The Sycamore Review,Crazyhorse, River Styx, Chelsea, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Poet Lore, JAMA, and Lancet.


  • “Thrush at 23” won the 1998 River Styx International Poetry Contest.
  • In 2002, he was awarded a fellowship from the DC Commission on the Arts.
  • When The Eye Forms won the Tupelo Press Judge’s Prize, selected by Carolyn Forché

Additional information

Weight .4 lbs
Dimensions 6 × .5 × 9 in