Samantha Kolber

Associate Director of Sales & Marketing

Samantha Kolber’s poems have appeared in Hummingbird: The Magazine of the Short PoemThe Mountain Troubadour, Red Silk: A Red Tent Anthology, Mama Says, Hunger Mountain, Minerva Rising, The Meadow, Nefarious Ballerina, Synezoma, and PoemCity. Prizes include runner-up in the 2010 Ruth Stone Poetry Prize and a first place 2014 J. Richard Barry Memorial Award from The Poetry Society of Vermont. She received her MFA in creative writing from Goddard College in 2014, and recently completed a post-grad semester at the Solstice MFA Program at Pine Manor College. She lives in Montpelier, Vt., with her family and coordinates author events for her favorite independent bookstore, Bear Pond Books. Her previous jobs include Managing Editor of Hunger Mountain Journal, Communications and Publications Manager at Goddard College, and Marketing Coordinator for the Vermont Chamber of Commerce. Samantha also volunteers with PoemCity, a month-long poetry celebration in Montpelier each April. If you’re a Tupelo poet, ask her about joining the poetry fun!
