Assistant Nonfiction Editor
Gail Upchurch is a writer of young adult and adult fiction. She is a 2022 Kimbilio Fellow, a 2021 Tin House YA Scholar, a 2021 Community of Writers Scholar, a finalist for the 2021 Crystal Wilkinson Creative Writing Prize, and the winner of the 2021 Tupelo Quarterly Prose Open Prize. She holds a Ph.D. in English from Binghamton University’s Program for Writers, an MFA in creative writing with an emphasis in fiction from Chicago State University, and a BA in English from Howard University. Gail has recent short stories published in The Missouri Review, Obsidian: Journal & Ideas in the African Diaspora, and Tupelo Quarterly and is currently at work on two young adult novels, both set in Chicago, her hometown. When she’s not making up stories, she teaches composition at a small community college in Maryland.